DOLMO Social
We are supporting social projects worldwide
in line with our values.
Our actions and support can take different forms:
volunteering, financial, partnership or information
support of the projects. Your suggestions
and innovative ideas are very welcome!
United we can:
Organizations and projects we support:
Ukraine · Intégration · Métiers · Arts
UIMA is a 1901 association that we created in October 2022 to help Ukrainians welcomed in France following the war to integrate more quickly through craft and artistic craft professions.
Several of these professions are in tension, there are training courses allowing professional retraining and access to work in a few months or even weeks.
UIMA works in partnership with integration assistance associations, continuing education schools, business foundations, supported by volunteers.
Learning the trades of crafts and artistic crafts means better understanding the history and traditions of your host country.
Accessing work means regaining your autonomy and dignity.
Creative Society
Creative Society is an international project that unites people from over 180 countries on a voluntary basis. The goal of the project is to transition, in a legal and peaceful way, within the shortest possible time, to a new creative format of society worldwide, where human life will be the highest value.
All actions and activities within the framework of the Creative Society project are carried out solely by the project participants themselves, on their initiative, by their choice and willingness, and at the expense of their own funds.
Ensemble Ukraine
The #EnsembleUkraine collective was created by around fifty tech entrepreneurs from France, including the creators of ProtegeTonSoignant, with the support of the France Digitale association, the Galion Project and the FrenchTech Mission.
Association law 1901, #EnsembleUkraine brings together a multidisciplinary team of entrepreneurs, engineers, logisticians and citizens whose mission is to help the Ukrainian people.
SAISONS DE CULTURE (SEASONS OF CULTURE in English) was created in spring 2012, under the leadership of its president Woytek Konarzewski, photographer, with the aim of facilitating exchanges between creators and lovers of the Arts. The association supports and promotes artistic creation in all its expressions, painting, sculpture, photography, writing. Saisons de Culture now brings together nearly 150 artists.
During “Florilèges” events, guests and artists meet every month at the famous ‘Café de Flore’ to present their projects and creations. From these exchanges new collaborations are born with galleries, art centers and specialized booksellers.
The association supports the circulation of works and their presentation to the public. Numerous exhibitions, workshop visits, performances and openings have been held since its creation. In February 2022, the Town Hall of the 6th arrondissement of Paris hosted a collective exhibition bringing together works by all the artists of Saisons de Culture.
A network of contemporary artists, a community of spirit, cultural places, works presented to the public, Saisons de Culture strives to promote artistic emergence and explores contemporary creation in all its forms.
It is the passion of People and the Arts and their commitment that generates the artistic abundance of Saisons de Culture.
Implemented projects:
The International Festival
Amitie Sans Frontieres
The international festival "Friendship without borders" is an educational and artistic project for children and adults.
The project was born from a desire to create a friendly and joyful space that would allow kids all over the world to grow up and to develop in a positive psychological environment favorable for their creativity. In its activities "FRIENDSHIP WITHOUT BORDERS" follows the principle "Tomorrow's generation is being shaped today".
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